Saturday, July 21, 2012


It has been a week since I first wrote something here. And then I took some time to contemplate what I want this space to be. I am excited about what is to come here—the stories to be shared, the writing developed, the thoughts clarified.

I am terrible at coming up with titles for things. I'm pretty sure that when my boss asks me for input on a book title, he asks merely so he knows what not to title a project. I try to be witty and intelligent, but it rarely works. So coming up with a title for this blog was a bit of a challenge. For several months I have pondered my return to the blogosphere. In that time, I attempted to put together a title that would encompass my essence, my self, my world. How arrogant can one get!

So last weekend when I sat down to actually start the blog, I looked at the wall of books in my home office. My eyes landed on the Rule of Benedict. The Rule as a whole is a wonderful guide to living a Christ-centered life in relationship with others. It provides spiritual as well as practical wisdom. Prayer, community, humility, obedience, hospitality, art, and leadership are addressed.

One chapter in particular has become a touchstone for me. You guessed it: chapter 4, The Tools for Good Works. Go read it. I'll give you a few minutes.

Isn't that wonderful? Here are a few of my favorite verses:

"Never give a hollow greeting of peace or turn away when someone needs your love" (vv. 25-26).

"If people curse you, do not curse them back but bless them instead" (v. 32).

"Do not aspire to be called holy before you really are, but first be holy that you may more truly be called so" (v. 62).

This is, indeed, a little rule that offers a way of life for us pilgrims. It is, indeed, a good way to live.

So why not have chapter 4 before me when I sit down to write in this space? There are times when my greetings of peace are hollow, when I curse instead of bless, when I am quite proud of my own closeness to God. And then I remember chapter 4 and I am brought back to my senses.

The point isn't to be bigger, better, faster, wittier, smarter. The point is to be genuine, kind, loving, peace-filled, and good. It is a worthy challenge.

The other reason for naming this blog Chapter 4 is that this is, in fact, my fourth blog. But that reason isn't as exciting.

Now that I've done the "Remember Me" and "Here's My Name" posts, the hard work begins. What gets written here? In what way is it written? How often do I write?

My plan, for now, is to write once a week. I would love to bump that up to three times a week, but my schedule, at this point, won't allow for it. Plus, I want to be a writer, rather than merely aspiring to be one, so that I may more truly be called so. In other words, I'm not going to force myself to blog. The secret to my journaling success since freshman year of college has been that it isn't something I guilt myself into doing every day. If I don't write for five days, then I don't write for five days. By taking the pressure off of daily journaling, it became a daily habit. I plan to approach the blog in a similar way: it will be weekly, but I am giving myself permission to start slowly.

As of now, I hope to write series here. Writing series will give me some direction so I don't end up rambling, as I have today. Here are a few topics I'm kicking around (titles to come; I've reached my brilliant title quota for the month already):
1. Things
2. What I'm Reading
3. Ritual
4. Quilting
5. The Rule
6. Editing

If there's anything in particular you'd like to see here, let me know. I'll ponder it and see what happens.

Thanks for joining me for this journey! Until next week . . .


  1. Somewhere among those titles should be room for what you're eating, drinking, and/or listening to. Those could be categorized under ritual, but really, so could your whole life.

    Or maybe there could be a series called "Room."


    1. Great suggestions! Thanks. A section on the little daily things, as you say, would be a wonderful addition. It's on the list now.

  2. So glad you've set aside some time to write.

  3. Names and titles are important things. They deserve good thought, as you've given here. But your words also made me laugh, as they reminded me of the zillion hours I've probably wasted trying to come up with The Perfect Name for the book or article or project I was trying to write. Crystallizing the essence of an idea or a hope in a word or two is a daunting prospect. But you've captured much here. I can't wait to see what you do in this space. And I sorely need to reread Ch. 4. Thank you.
